Secondary vocational school “Chemical – medical school” in Vršac is an educational institution. The school is an independent state institution of special importance, established in order to accomplish the task of secondari vocational education in two areas of work: chemistry – non-metals and graphics, health and social protection. Classes are held on the Serbian language.
Srednja stručna škola „Hemijsko–medicinska škola„ u Vršcu, je ustanova obrazovno-vaspitne delatnosti. Škola je samostalna državna ustanova od posebnog značaja, organizovana radi ostvarivanja zadataka srednjeg stručnog obrazovanja i vaspitanja u dva područja rada: hemija-nemetali i grafičarstvo, zdravstvo i socijalna zaštita. Nastava se izvodi na srpskom jeziku.

In the past period, the school has achieved significant results in terms of education work by achieving good results in competitions on all levels, in terms of organisation of various cultural events, scientific gatherings, meetings, seminars and in cooperation with other schools in and out of the country.
U proteklom periodu škola je ostvarila značajne rezultate u pogledu obrazovno- vaspitnog rada ostvareći lepe rezultate na takmičenjima na svim nivoima, u pogledu organizovanja raznih kulturnih manifestacija, naučnih skupova, susreta, seminara i u saradnji sa drugim školama u zemlji i inostranstvu.

The results so far are a reliable basis for planning work in the next school year for even better functioning and even better results in educational work with students.
Dosadašnji rezultati su pouzdana osnova za planiranje rada u narednoj školskoj godini radi još bolje funkcionisanje i još boljih rezultata u vaspitno obrazovnom radu sa učenicima.

It was established as a secondary vocational school due to the rapid development of the chemical industry in Vršac in 1977 under the name Chemical-textile and technological high school. During the school year 1991/92 textile departments from Plandište were attached to the school, and since then, the next field of work has been organized: chemistry, non-metals and graphics and textile and leather. In May of 2000, the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Serbia approved the opening of the department outside of the home school, and the decision was made to, as protruding wards of the Medical school in Belgrade, add the following profiles: pharmaceutical technician and medical nurse-technician, four-year degree. Since 2002, the school has been independently preforming activities of secondary education in the following field of work: health and social protection: medical nurse-technician and pharmaceutical technician and in the field of textile and leather for educational profile clothing technician. In addition to the mentioned profiles, in 2003 the exemplary department in the field of chemistry, non-metals and graphics for the new educational profile, a four-year cosmetic technology technician is opened in the school. In 2005/06, the school is enrolling a new additional profile in the chemistry, non-metals and graphics field of work, technician for industrial pharmaceutical technology, and in 2006/07, environment protection technician. On June 29th 2004 the name of the school was changed to Chemical-medical school. Due to low student turnout, from 2006 to 2007 the school no longer called for educational profiles in the textile and leather field of work. The school preforms enrollment of the students for pre-qualification and additional qualification based on the solution brought by excellently commission of Autonomous Province of Vojvodina. Since 2011/2012 school year, the school enrolls part-time students in three areas of work.
Kao srednja stručna škola nastala je zbog naglog razvoja hemijske industrije u Vršcu 1977. godine pod nazivom Hemijsko-tekstilna i tehnološka srednja škola. Školske 1991/92. godine školi su pripojena odeljenja tekstilne struke iz Plandišta, te se od tada organizuje nastava za područje rada: hemija, nemetali i grafičarstvo i tekstilstvo i kožarstvo. Maja meseca 2000. godine Ministarstvo prosvete R. Srbije odobrilo je otvaranje odeljenja van sedišta matične škole, te je doneta odluka da se u našoj školi, kao isturena odeljenja Medicinske škole iz Beograda, obrazuju sledeći profili: farmaceutski tehničar i medicinska sestra-tehničar, četvorogodišnjeg stepena. Od 2002. godine, škola samostalno obavlja delatnosti srednjeg obrazovanja i vaspitanja u području rada: zdravstvo i socijalna zaštita : medicinska sestra –tehničar i farmaceutski tehničar i u području rada tekstilstvo i kožarstvo za obrazovni profil konfekcijski tehničar. Pored pomenutih smerova 2003. u školi se otvara ogledno odeljenje u području rada hemija-nemetali i grafičarstvo za novi obrazovni profil tehničar za kozmetičku tehnologiju u četvorogodišnjem trajanju. Godine 2005/06. Godine, škola upisuje novi obrazovni profil u području rada , hemija, nemetali i grafičarstvo, tehničar za industrijsku farmaceutsku tehnologiju, a 2006/07. Godine i tehničara za zaštitu životne sredine. Juna (29.) 2004. godine dolazi do promene naziva škole u Hemijsko-medicinska škol. Zbog malog odziva učenika, od 2006-07. škola nije više raspisala konkurs za obrazovnim profilima u području rada tekstilstvo i kožarstvo. Škola obavlja i upis učenika za prekvalifikaciju i dokvalifikaciju na osnovu rešenja koju je donelo Izvršno veće Autonomne Pokrajine Vojvodine. Od 2011/2012. školske godine obavlja i upis vanrednih učenika u tri područja rada.