Technical school in Požega is one of the oldest educational institutions in West Serbia and the fact that it exists and has been working for 119 years represents a truly valuable jubilee, worth all of the attention and respect it gets. From the first founding days, as far back as 1902, as a women’s workers ’school, it continously worked and transformed itself up until today, when we recognize it as a modern educational institution.
Women’s workers ’school, later known as „craft“, „professional“, „domestic“, then the Craft and trade school, School of students in ecnomics, School for skilled workers, Educational center, Mechanical engineering high school and in the end, the today’s Technical school, in 117 years of continous work, with a little break during WWI and WWII, it successfully met the needs of the environment in training and education in the field of crafts, as well as small and large economy. Other than that, future famous and recognized experts in technical, economical and other fields have come out of this school.
Tehnička škola u Požegi spada u jednu od najstarijih vaspitno-obrazovnih institucija u Zapadnoj Srbiji i činjenica da postoji i radi 119 godina, predstavlja istinski vredan jubilej, dostojan svake pažnje i poštovanja. Od prvih osnivačkih dana, te daleke 1902. godine kao Ženska radenička škola, kontinuirano je radila i transformisala se do današnjih dana kada je prepoznajemo kao savremenu prosvetno-obrazovno-vaspitnu instituciju.
Ženska „radenička“ škola, kasnije „zanatska“, „stručna“, „domaćička“, pa Zanatsko-trgovačka škola, Škola učenika u privredi, Škola za kvalifikovane radnike, Obrazovni centar, Srednja mašinska škola i na kraju današnja Tehnička škola, u sto sedamnaest godina kontinuiranog rada, sa malim prekidom u vreme Prvog i Drugog svetskog rata, uspešno je odgovarala potrebama sredine u osposobljavanju i obrazovanju kadrova u zanatstvu, maloj i velikoj privredi. Osim toga iz njenih klupa su, na dalje školovanje i usavršavanje odlazili budući poznati i priznati stručnjaci u tehničkim, ekonomskim i drugim oblastima.
By decision on the network of secondary schools(fig. Glasnik No. 7 of January 25, 1993) the Mechanical school in Požega was established and it’s activity was determined. By the decision on changes and additions of the decision on the network of secondary schools in the Republic of Serbia (fig. Glasnik No.24/97), the school is changing it’s name to Technical school Požega on June 19th 1997.
The school got the approval from the Ministry of Education to preform expanded activities—education of adults (programs for qualification, pre-qualification, additional qualification, promotion of existing and acquisition of new competences, as well as programs of professional training, taking into account the needs of the labor market (decisions No. 022-05-148/94-03 from October 1st 2012 and 022-05-00148/94-03 from May 29th 2014)). The school celebrated 110 years of existence in 2012 and 115 in 2017. For that occasion, an extensive Monograph was made and a science conference was organized for the first time on the level of all high schools by the name of: Application of new ideas and technologies in school engineering education.
Odlukom o mreži srednjih škola (Sl. Glasnik br.7od 25.01.1993. godine) ustanovljena je Mašinska škola u Požegi i utvrđena njena delatnost. Odlukom o izmenama i dopunama Odluke o mreži srednjih škola u Republici Srbiji (Sl.Glasnikbr.24/97 ) škola menja nazivu Tehnička škola Požega 19. juna 1997. godine.
Škola je od Ministarstva prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja dobila odobrenje za obavljanje proširene delatnosti–obrazovanje odraslih (programe kvalifikacija, prekvalifikacija, dokvalifikacija, unapređenje postojećih i sticanje novih kompetencija, kao i programe stručnog osposobljavanja, uvažavajući potrebe tržišta rada (rešenja br. 022-05-148/94-03 od 01.10.2012. i 022-05-00148/94-03 od 29.5.2014. ). Škola je 2012. i 2017. proslavila 110, odnosno 115 godina svog postojanja. Za tu priliku urađena je obimna Monografija i organizovana prvi put na nivou svih srednjih škola naučna konferencija sa međunarodnim učešćem pod nazivom: Primena novih ideja i tehnologija u školskom inženjerskom obrazovanju.
As a modern vision of development, a structure of teamwork in which all of the professors were included in and which, with the versatile commitment of students and parents gave amazing results, was established in the school.
U školi je kao moderna vizija razvoja uspostavljena struktura timskog rada, u koju su uključeni svi nastavnici a koja, uz svestrano zalaganje učenika i roditelja daje odlične rezultate.
The results of the Technical school still speak more than words, and that didn’t go unnoticed from other institutions and social partners, who had insight in the school’s work and gave it certain recognitions:
- Saint Sava Award—as a crown of all successes (year 2012) for special contribution to the development of education in the Republic of Serbia;
- Reward of the municipality of Požega „April 7th“—for the development od education and the promotion of the municipality;
- Povelja kapetan Miša Anastasijević—for working with the economy of the Zlatibor district and Republic Povelja kapetan Miša Anastasijević for exeptional work of the school with economy
- The highest score (4) in the external evaluation of the school by the Ministry of education, science and technological development of the Republic of Serbia in 2012/13
- Also, in 2019/20—in the second round of external evaluation, the school repeated an amazing success and, once again, got the highest score (4)
Rezultati Tehničke škole ipak govore više od reči a to nije ostalo neprimećeno i od drugih institucija i socijalnih partnera, koji su imale uvid u rad škole i dodelili određena priznanja:
- Svetosavska nagrada – kao kruna svih uspeha (2012.god.) za poseban doprinos razvoju obrazovanja i vaspitanja u Republici Srbiji;
- Nagrada Opštine Požega „7. april“ – za razvoj obrazovanja i promociju opštine;
- Povelja kapetan Miša Anastasijević- za saradnju sa privredom Zlatiborskog okruga i Republička Povelja kapetan Miša Anastasijević za izvanrednu saradnju škole sa privredom
- Najveću ocenu (4) pri eksternom vrednovanju škole od strane Ministarstva prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja Republike Srbije u škol.2012/13.
- Takođe, u škol.2019/20. – u drugom krugu eksternog vrednovanja, škola je ponovila izuzetan uspeh jer je opet dobila nejveću ocenu(4);