Technical school Vlasotince, as an educational institute which entered the program of secondary vocational education, strives for constant innovations of teaching plans and programs and the usage of modern teaching methods, and wants to enable professional training of students for employment or further education in line with the needs of economy.
Tehnička škola, Vlasotince kao obrazovna institucija koja je ušla u Program srednjeg stručnog obrazovanja teži stalnim inoviranjem nastavnih planova i programa, primeni savremenih metoda obrazovanja, da omogući profesionalno osposobljavanje učenika za zapošljavanje ili nastavak školovanja u skladu sa potrebama privrede.
We are a specialized school with plenty of educational programs conditioned by the needs of economy, we nurture good relationships between people, moral and creative values, through individual and team work, we school students and enable them to quickly involve in work processes, but also to continue schooling.
Mi smo stručna škola sa mnoštvom obrazovnih profila uslovljenih potrebama privrede, koja negujući dobre međuljudske odnose, moralne i kreativne vrednosti, kroz individualni i timski rad, školuje učenike i omogućuje im da se brzo uključe u radne procese, ali i da nastave školovanje.
In order to create a shared vision of the school we strive towards, expert council gave their estimates. The common goal of all areas of work in the school is aimed at improving the form and working conditions for connecting theoretical and practical teaching.
Mi smo stručna škola sa mnoštvom obrazovnih profila uslovljenih potrebama privrede, koja negujući dobre međuljudske odnose, moralne i kreativne vrednosti, kroz individualni i timski rad, školuje učenike i omogućuje im da se brzo uključe u radne procese, ali i da nastave školovanje.
The mutual rights and obligations of the company and the students in practice are now clearly defined and must be respected, which is the purpose of dual education. In the first year of schooling, according to the dual system, students have practical classes one day a week in school workshops, while, from the second year the practice is realized in companies that cooperate with the school, twice a week in the second year and three times a week in the third year.
Međusobna prava i obaveze kompanije i učenika na praksi sada su jasno definisani ugovorima i moraju se poštovati što je i svrha dualnog obrazovanja. U prvoj godini školovanja po dualnom sistemu, učenici imaju praktičnu nastavu jedan dan nedeljno u školskim radionicama, dok se od druge godine praksa realizuje u kompanijama koje sarađuju sa školom, i to u drugoj godini dva puta, a u trećoj tri puta nedeljno.