Spa tourism has a long tradition, attractive natural factors, and significant accommodation facilities, and hence excellent opportunities for further improvement. Only in Yugoslavia, after the Second World War, were conditions created so that these natural opportunities, provided by spas and climatic places, could be used by the broadest layers of working people, precisely those who, due to nature and difficulty of work, need recovery and treatment.
Turizam u banjama ima dugu tradiciju, atraktivne prirodne faktore i značajne smeštajne kapacitete, a otuda i izvanredne mogućnosti za dalje unapređenje. Tek u Jugoslaviji, posle Drugog svetskog rata, stvoreni su uslovi da ove prirodne mogućnosti, koje pružaju banjska i klimatska mesta, mogu koristiti najširi slojevi radnih ljudi, upravo oni kojima su, zbog prirode i težine posla, potrebni oporavak i lečenje.
During 1948 and 1949, the first catering schools were founded in Belgrade and Vrnjačka Banja, and the first Secondary School of Tourism and Catering in Arandjelovac, better known as the College of Tourism and Catering. The technical school was later moved to Belgrade and existed as a general economic school. The catering school in Vrnjačka Banja and Belgrade had an exceptional significance and merits for the development of catering schooling in Serbian Serbia. Today, the School is the only institution of its kind that, following the example of modern European schools, has cabinets for professional subjects and school workshops for all educational profiles and a student dormitory where students live from the most remote parts of Serbia. That is why we can proudly say that today we have a school that has a national character because the least number of students are from the territory of the municipality of Vrnjacka Banja.
Tokom 1948. i 1949. godine osnivaju se prve ugostiteljske škole u Beogradu i Vrnjačkoj Banji i prva Srednja turističko-ugostiteljska škola u Aranđelovcu, poznatija pod nazivom Turističko-ugostiteljski tehnikum. Tehnikum je kasnije premešten u Beograd i egzistirao kao ekonomska škola opšteg tipa. Ugostiteljska škola u Vrnjačkoj Banji i Beogradu imale su izuzetan značaj i zasluge za razvoj ugostiteljskog školstva u S. R. Srbiji. Danas, Škola je jedina ustanova ove vrste koja po ugledu na savremene evropske škole ima i kabinete za stručne predmete i školske radionice za sve obrazovne profile i Dom učenika gde učenici stanuju iz najudaljenijih krajeva Srbije. Zato sa ponosom možemo reći da danas imamo školu koja ima nacionalni karakter jer je najmanje učenika sa teritorije opštine Vrnjačka Banja.
There was great interest from the graduates this year for the professions that are being educated at school, so the quality of students has increased significantly in the sense that students who have significantly better success than students who enrolled last year enrolled. The students are very interested in the obligation of the school management, teaching, and non-teaching staff to raise the quality of the teaching process to an even higher level with their work, and so we have more staff who go to catering and tourism facilities and get employed or enroll in colleges. Only with quality staff can the tourist activity of our country be improved. The dormitory has good conditions so that 85 students of the school have the opportunity to study, live and engage in other activities without worries. School workshops represent a kind of base of that pragmatic knowledge. Few schools can boast of the opportunity that after a student acquires basic knowledge and skills, they can have the opportunity to show it in a real workplace by working with guests in-school workshops.
Veliko interesovanje svršenih osnovaca je bilo i ove godine za zanimanja koja se obrazuju u školi, pa se kvalitet učenika znatno povećao u smislu da su upisali učenici koji imaju znatno bolji uspeh od učenika koji su prošle godine upisali. Veliko interesovanje učenika predstavlja obavezu menadžmenta škole, nastavnog i nenastavnog kadra da svojim radom, kvalitet nastavnog procesa podignu na još viši nivo, i tako za rezultat imamo još kadove koji nakon završene škole odlaze u ugostiteljsko- turističke objekte i zapošljavaju se ili upisuju fakultete. Samo kvalitetnim kadrovima može se poboljšati turistička delatnost naše zemlje. Dom učenika raspolaže dobrim uslovima kako bi 85 učenika škole bilo u prilici da mogu da uče, stanuju i bave se drugim aktivnostima bezbrižno. Školske radionice predstavljaju svojevrsnu bazu onog pragmatičnog znanja. Malo koja škola može se pohvaliti mogućnošću da nakon što učenik dobije osnovna znanja i veštine, može da bude u prilici i da to pokaže na realnom radnom mestu radeći sa gostima u školskim radionicama.
Thanks to the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, the School has an exceptional material base for the education of staff of all profiles in the tourism and hospitality sector.
Zahvaljujući sredstvima koje je opredilo Ministartvo prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja Republike Srbije, Škola može da se pohvali izuzetnom materijalnom bazom za obrazovanje kadrova svih profila u sektoru turizam i ugostiteljstva.